There is an idea that rationality, if allowed free play, will kill all the deeper emotions. This belief appears to me to be due to an entirely erroneous conception of the function of reason in human life. It is not the business of reason to generate emotions, though it may be part of its function to discover ways of preventing such emotions as are an obstacle to well-being. To find ways of minimizing hatred and envy is no doubt part of the function of a rational psychology. But it is a mistake to suppose that in minimizing these passions we shall at the same time diminish the strength of those passions which reason does not condemn. In passionate love, in parental affection, in friendship, in benevolence, in devotion to science and art, there is nothing that reason should wish to diminish. The rational man, when he feels any or all of these emotions, will be glad that he feels them and will do nothing to lessen their strength, for all these emotions are part of the good life, the life, that is, that makes for happiness both in oneself and in others. There is nothing irrational in the passions as such, and many irrational people feel only the most trivial passions. No man need fear that be making himself rational he will make his life dull. On the contrary, since rationality consists in the main of internal harmony, the man who achieves it is freer in his contemplation of the world and in the use of his energies to achieve external purposes than is the man who is perpetually hampered by inward conflicts. Nothing is so dull as to be encased in self, nothing so exhilarating as to have attention and energy directed outwards.
-- wrong
select sum([merchandise value])
from joined_table
-- correct
select sum([merchandise value])
from (
[coupon PK]
,[sales ID]
,max([merchandise value]) as [merchandise value]
from joined_table
group by 1,2
) a
在这边有墙和资本在,所以出现了肖战这样的事情。在别的地方(主要是欧美),有资本和。。(科学?),让我们离不开手机。(前一阵看到的随机出奖品的模式,有实验结果。在Don’t Be Evil里读到,正好最近50 Things That Made the Modern Economy的一集讲了slot machine,也利用了这个规律。我不是肖战工作室的victim,但是我是刷手机上瘾的victim。这样想来,我们嘲笑肖战粉的话是五十步笑百步。不过可能也不是,可能是有本质区别的。盆友说没有墙,至少资本可以投资别的娱乐来竞争。至少在没有墙的地方,只要有人发现了这个问题就可以传播开来。
上周听了一期Guardian Long Reads节目,说的是track运动的app虽然可以motivate人们运动,但是也有弊端(比如过分引起人们的竞争意识,造成运动损伤、数据作假、运动中遇到车祸什么的)。我有一搭没一搭地听到最后,作者说,有一次她去跑步忘记戴手环。所以她跑的时候可以停下来看看风景什么的,感觉异常轻松。后来她要去参加一个对她而言比较重要的比赛,这回戴上了手环,但是把显示器的一面朝里了。这样跑步的时候就不再经常看时间。结果她最后发现跑出了个人最好成绩。她说也许根据手环计时训练她已经训练得足够多了,不需要依赖它了。她说,就像Luke在ANH最后接近死星的弱点的时候关掉了targeting computer。
这里只是提到了一句,用来概况她的感觉。这是我为什么喜欢星战。星战是文化的一部分,但是at its best它代表最纯的文化。(而不是现在代表petty的网民在吵架。)
This is wrong. Clearly wrong. How could this explain identical, even worse, housing bubbles in countries with different policies or credit bubbles in non-housing assets? This is embarrassing to publish, a discredited myth, killed more than a decade ago. 引用 New York Times Opinion 推荐文章 Michael Bloomberg is right about the 2008 financial crisis, writes Christopher Caldwell, who argues that the crisis was brought about by “a flawed attempt to use credit markets to broaden access to housing”
另外我觉得用这个方法管理待办事项,和我以前用过的所有to do list有同样的问题:我不想看这个to do list。放在本子里更加不容易看到了。我效率高的时候一般是要做的事情都在脑子里。GTD说的是,你脑子里放着待办事项就会拖累你现在做的事情;我觉得全交给任何一个productivity系统的问题是,你脑子不去想要做什么事情了,晚上你就会想做什么就做什么,只要不打开app或者BuJo。所以我觉得还是要适量安排一些事情在脑子里别放掉(不能太多)。
豆瓣上我的在读是19本,Goodreads上是15本(可见这些list不好用,然而我发现影视剧的list还是各种线上工具更好用。另外我维护的list也太多了)。一月的时候把tracker从光记录什么时候头痛吃药了扩展到看书进度。可以看见:月初我列了7本书在看,1个课程在学。一月里,7本书里看完了2本(Haben, Shakespeare),1本有进展(海底两万里)。但是这个月里我又添加了7本书,其中看完了2本(神话与魔法,Dirk Gently),3本有进展(A Political History, 1984, Salmon of Doubt)。完全没有进展的是Heretics and Believers, Don’t Be Evil, ACoK, 仲夏夜之梦, HFJ,DK自然博物馆。没有进展的6本书里4本是月初定的,2本是当中加进去的(其中一本是图书馆随便借的)。所以不看完一本书就去看别的书,其实是对增加看书有帮助的,因为一般你会更想看最近抓住你注意力的书(也就是你attention span很短)。(所以书列表是个先进后出的stack,也再次印证了以前的读书会模式不适合我。。)