75条的回应(大家calm down)





我不是扎克黑,我很喜欢Sucker Punch,当时就觉得,能拍性感的女性却不显得猥琐,看来除了Joss可能有第二人了。

【【【【【【【【下面有Justice League剧透】】】】】】】】


  1. 原文是非常中立甚至略偏向尾灯一边的,请看原文最后的结论。而这个结论,以及一些对尾灯有利的片段,豆瓣上大家转的那个贴选择不翻。
  2. 我觉得尾灯还是非常尊重扎导的。比如写台词用了BvS里“你流血吗”这句,提醒我们他俩之前打过,同时给这场打斗戏更多理由。这样做太细心周到了。
  3. 从好几个改变来看,我觉得尾灯加强了超人。开头加的手机视频画面、他加入复活超人的debate等等。这样做同时也让BvS里超人之死更加有份量。他剪掉了一些跟Darkseid有关的内容,也使得故事更加集中在超人是死是活是敌是友上面。在主要人物立起来之前,剪掉更大更坏的反派,我觉得是挺明智的。还给后面的电影留下空间,也是为同行考虑得很周到了。尾灯一直是漫画粉,所以这方面他能做多好就做多好。
  4. 物化神奇女侠的罪名:第一,大家都在说拍了很多女侠的屁股,我回想到的只有晚上和Cyborg见面那段,二刷特地注意了也没太看到有其它段落有很强调屁股的镜头。那一段从很低的角度仰拍神奇女侠大长腿(我一刷的时候就在想,之前别人说仰拍可以让人看起来更高)。这一段是扎导拍的(豆瓣贴选择跳过没翻)。另外,这个场景里女侠穿着敞开的夹克衫,里面穿了一件低胸到胸下半的衣服。第二,Flash扑胸那段。重点是Flash因为动作快可以避免尴尬,而他很需要避免尴尬的技能啊。海王说Flash很容易跌倒,这里大概是影片里唯一一次跌倒?(当然海王的speech好像是尾灯加的,挺有他的风格的。就算不是他后来加的,也应该是他写的,在扎导推出之前,尾灯就已经是剧本作者之一了。)
  5. 尾灯是有资历的导演。他既然选择同意和扎导合作,我愿意尽量去想象他们是合作关系。想象他俩有personal的敌对,对两人都是disservice。至少,我不愿意对尾灯这样想。大家都在说他推特上like了一个说Steppenwolf是最差反派的推,这个如果你先有敌对想法的话,很容易加入骂他的行列。我则选择看成是自嘲的举动。
  6. 尾灯一贯的注重用细节、对话来建造人物,推动故事,有几处我还是很感动的。不多说。
  7. 所有很酷炫的视觉效果大概都是扎导的。硬要说两者只能选一的话,用脚趾也想得出我会选哪个。我相信大多数观众也是喜欢两者结合,如果不能双全,肯定也是优先考虑。。








Edit: -superman in the cell phone footage is Whedon 「开头手机拍超人的片段是尾灯加的。」【我觉得这段超级加分。超人对孩子们/普通人是激励,这也为后面剧情做了铺垫。二刷感想:为扎导伤心欲绝的粉丝在骂去掉小胡子的视觉效果的时候大概是感受不到超人对人类的激励吧。所以也欣赏不来大家想要复活超人的愿望。那么你们扎导拍的World without hope那段意义不是大打折扣?】

– intro with Batman was Whedon, same with Batman in the plane talking to Alfred 「尾灯:开头的蝙蝠侠利用恐惧引诱小怪,以及后来和Alfred打电话。」【怎么说呢,开头两段,超人和蝙蝠侠的对比很明显。甚至这个帖子说这是他看到的最棒的蝙蝠侠桥段(他栖息在水塔上,向那个人扑来)。二刷感想:看到不少漫画迷都很喜欢开头超人和蝙蝠侠的两段。还有,fear会吸引小怪这个设定,最后有关键作用的(虽然那个决定也是后来做的),这里先铺垫一下非常棒。看到报导说这一段本来是拍成喜剧的,于是脑补了老蝙蝠侠电影那种非常camp(褒义)的感觉。】

– World without Hope montage was Snyder. The Lois bit with the empty bed next to her is actually from a later point in the movie repurposed for this 「毫无希望的世界这一段是扎导,Lois床边人不在那段本来是用作他途,被拿上来加在这里了」【这一段里的慢动作水果摊,其实挺明显是扎导的。这里加入Lois也没啥问题。她这样重要的角色不要到电影一大半了才突然冒出来,也是有道理的。二刷感想:别的不说,擅长imagery扎导还是很厉害的,我觉得imagery很棒的同时,加入substance是尾灯的专长。注意到开头credit放到尾灯名字的时候,接下来立刻是流浪汉I tried,总感觉他可能是故意的:)】

– Snyder original cut had the World without Hope montage go straight into Batman meeting with Aquaman in the village which went on longer as well. Same with their conversation after as Aquaman swims off 「扎导原来安排“毫无希望的世界”后面紧接着是蝙蝠侠去见海王,海蝙的对话本来也更长」【1.我不记得电影里那段蒙太奇后面紧接着什么了(二刷回来:好像是伦敦恐袭?)。2.海王一言不合下海去了,这时候他没有incentive跟你多聊几句。】

– Deleted Snyder scene with Martha and Lois talking in the apartment. 「有一段Martha和Lois在公寓里的谈话被剪了」【请注意这里的剪都不是我们习惯批判的审查。很可能是片长要求必须剪掉一些。】

– Wonder Woman sequence in London is mostly all Snyder but trimmed down as the original had her taking out all the bad guys and additional slow-mo. Snyder loves his close up to convey information as there’s a close up of the lead bad guy changing the gun from single to automatic mode after Wonder Woman stops the first bullet. Reshoots did add dialogue between Wonder Woman and lead bad guy before she stops all the bullets. This reshoot had everything finished to get it ready for the movie so I suspect this will be in extended version 「神奇女侠在伦敦斗恐怖分子这段是扎导,但是被剪短了。本来还有更多的打斗慢动作。扎导很喜欢用特写镜头来反映故事,这里就有歹徒看到神奇女侠挡子弹,把枪切换到自动挡的特写。重拍在女侠挡住所有子弹之前加入了女侠和坏人头目的对话。这段重拍是都拍好了的,所以我猜(完整版?)会出现在加长版里」【请注意一下豆瓣帖子的翻译,说“扎导很喜欢这段特写”。实际上原文的意思是扎导喜欢运用特写这个方式,并没有说特别喜欢这段特写。不要victimize扎导。】

– this cuts into the Amazonian which is Snyder and mostly not changed. A scene they removed was an Amazon being turned into a demon during Steppenwolf initial encounter. She kills herself before the transformation finishes. This shot was finished so maybe extended version 「接下来是亚马逊人的战斗,基本上都是扎导的没动。有一个场景被剪掉了:一个女战士被变成了亚魔,她在完全转变之前自杀了」【我也觉得剪掉这段有点可惜,不如剪掉这场战斗中的其它部分?(还是会被骂吧)二刷:轮流投掷mother box很流畅。】

– anything with the russian family is Whedon 「所有关于俄国家庭的都是尾灯加的」【我只想说,如果没有俄国家庭,我们会以为这里是西伯利亚大荒原,随便你打好了。为什么超人搬的大楼不加进去呢!二刷感想:陀思妥耶夫斯基!】

– Cyborgs dad talking to the janitor at Star Labs was Whedon 「Cyborg的老爸跟实验室清洁工说话,是尾灯加的」【更多普通人的对话,很好。那个人后来是第一个被抓的,被抓前说过两句话于是他不再是很抽象的“平民”】

– Cyborg intro with his dad is a longer scene as well and Snyder . The scene starts with him looking at the people walking around the streets enjoying their lives as he looks on with envy. 「交待Cyborg背景的桥段是扎导的,而且本来更长,还包括他走在街上嫉妒地看着普通人」【这段听起来的确也挺可惜的。二刷感想:注意到挖坟的时候Flash跟他套近乎遭冷眼。我对尾灯的偏见就是,一句话一个手势他就能表达扎导用一段蒙太奇表达的东西。那段里他没和Flash碰拳,既表现了他内心的伤痛没有好,也显示了Flash的awkward。当然蒙太奇表现一定也有厉害的地方。】

– Wonder Woman meeting up with Batman while he repairs the jet was Snyder, them discussing the nature of the motherboxes on the Lake was Whedon. 「神奇女侠在蝙蝠侠修飞机的时候走进来是扎导,然后他们在湖边对话是尾灯」【终于好像两个风格没有clash得太厉害?Cyborg在一边看着他们也挺酷的。】

– Thousand year battle is mostly the same in Snyder version, there was a back and forth between adding more focus on the Green Lantern or not. Darkseid actually showed up here as a visual stand in for Steppenwolf as one point the model wasn’t quite ready yet. 「千年战争是扎导。要不要加入绿灯的片段,被来回讨论了很久。这段里Steppenwolf是用Darkseid来代替的,因为Steppenwolf模型还没做好」【这段无感,也跟尾灯没什么关系啦】

– Flash scene filling out the forms and visiting his dad is Snyder 「Flash填表然后探视他爸爸这段是扎导」【画胡子不是尾灯?:)】

– Batman meeting Flash was Snyder. Whedon added ‘people are slow, I’ll try to keep up’ bit 「蝙蝠侠在Flash家里那段是扎导,然后尾灯加了Flash说’people are slow’然后蝙蝠侠说’I’ll try to keep up’」【Brunch也是尾灯吧?】

– Aquaman saving the man out in the sea was originally the end montage footage repurposed to here and it was Snyder. I believe the bits of him dumping the guy at the bar is Snyder as well 「海王从海里救人那段是扎导的,但本来是片尾的,被挪用到前面来。海王把人扔到桌子上应该也是扎导的」【放到前面来也能表示他并不是完全不care别人吧。电影总是有剪掉的和挪来挪去的片段,剪辑师就是干这个的,没什么好大惊小怪的。二刷感想:海王从水里捞人这段放在前面比较灰暗的地方太合适了,(就是真的有点像啤酒广告)。】

– Aquaman coming back as Steppenwolf tries and succeed in taking the motherbox is Snyder still. The only real change up is when Aquaman and Mera have a discussion which again went on longer and was a mix of both Snyder, Whedon and Wan as Aquaman was filming at the time 「海王回来而Steppenwolf夺走了母盒这段是扎导。有改动的只有海王和Mera的对话。这段扎导, 尾灯和2018年海王电影的导演温子仁都有参与」【(并不是有改动都是欺负扎导吧)】

The discussion between Mera and Aquaman was deleted at some point and I believe someone fought hard for this to come back in the edit which I’m glad they kept in. 「海王和Mera的对话曾经被删了,然后有人反对所以才放回来的」【其实我觉得这里加入海王的身世有点distracting】

– janitor being taken by the demon is Snyder 「清洁工被亚魔逮到了是扎导」【ok】

– Woman on tv about her missing husband, Lois/Martha at the daily planet is Whedon 「电视上的女人说他老公失踪了那段,以及Lois和Martha在报社的对话都是尾灯」【我觉得前面那段挺可爱的。后面那段里有一个可能可以算不必要的黄段子thirstiest woman。不过说了以后又会让人想到BVS里浴缸的那段。】

– Cyborg calling out to meet Wonder Woman and their meeting on the streets is mostly Snyder. There may be some minor bits with Cyborg as a reshoot but unsure. Alfred line about date night may have been ADR later 「Cyborg电脑上和神奇女侠约见面,包括后来他们在街上见面的是扎导。有一些Cyborg的部分是重拍的,但我不确定。Alfred说你有约会了那句话可能是后来加的」【今天大家在说这片里拍女侠的屁股和胸,我有印象的只有这段街上以仰视角度拍了女侠的大长腿,从大长腿拍到拉链拉到胸下面的夹克衫。我没觉得物化女侠。而且这段是扎导拍的。另外,上文那个贴正好跳过了这一条,你们对扎导有点信心好不好】

– Cyborg dad being kidnapped by demon to Gordon in the station to the gang meeting up on the roof and then heading to the sewers is Snyder but trimmed by a few seconds. 「Cyborg他爸被绑架一直到和戈登在屋顶汇合,然后去下水道,都是扎导拍的」【ok。二刷感想:所以戈登一转身只剩下Flash一个人这里也是扎导,说明Flash的性格设定成这样也是扎导的vision。这样蛮好的。然后你们不要骂尾灯把Flash性格改了。】

– Wonder Woman talking about ‘doing this together as a team’ and Cyborg ‘didn’t think you were real’ were cut 「女侠说“doing this together as a team”和Cyborg说“didn’t think you were real”都被剪了」【again请不要victimize扎导】

– Flash panicking and Batman encouraging him to save one person is Whedon 「Flash临阵发慌,然后蝙蝠侠跟他说你一次救一个人就够了,这段是尾灯」【“一次救一个人”太棒了啊!】

– Cyborg saving his dad is mostly the same so Snyder. 「Cyborg救他爹基本没动,是扎导」【ok】

– Wonder Woman openly taunts Steppenwolf was cut before shoving him through the wall. The fight is Snyder with added Whedon dialogue as Wonder Woman looks pissed Steppenwolf mentioned his axe having amazon blood on it. 「神奇女侠挑衅Steppenwolf这段,在她把他扔墙上之前都被剪了。这段打斗戏是扎导,然后在Steppenwolf说他斧头上有亚马逊人的血的那里尾灯加了台词」【这个原文我看不出来意思是有亚马逊人的血这句话是不是尾灯写的。其他的台词我没印象了。】

– Flash interrupts Batman as he fights the demons, this is where the dodge sequence occurred and later cut. There was an attempt to keep it in for many versions with even a reshoot element of Flash saying ‘I thought we were suppose to do this together!’ Flash pushing the demon through the wall was later repurposed as Cyborg doing it. Most likely will not be extended version 「Flash在蝙蝠侠打怪的时候打断了他,然后有一段躲闪的动作,但被剪了。有人试图保留这段,甚至还补拍了Flash说“I thought we were supposed to do this together!”。Flash把小怪推过墙这段后来被重用变成了Cyborg干的。这段很可能不会出现在加长版中」【这段被剪,听起来好像是最终没法work所以没用。nothing personal】

– I believe Batman yells at Flash to ensure the Star Labs people are out with Cyborgs help as a demon starts to overpower Batman 「我相信有一段是蝙蝠侠被小怪打到有点招架不住的时候他吼了Flash叫他和Cyborg一起帮助实验室的人离开」【又是一段被剪的。。二刷感想:其实最后的大战还是感觉长了一些。原来肯定更长的。】

– Scene with Cyborg getting people out as Flash looks on is cut 「有一段Flash在一边旁观Cyborg把人救出来,这段被剪了」【这段改得好啊,为什么要让他旁观。。】

– the Flash getting people out one at a time is Whedon as is Cyborg dad explaining to him that they’re after the box as Cyborg shoots a demon (repurposed from earlier) 「Flash一次救一个人这段是尾灯,Cyborg打怪而他爹在跟他解释盒子的事情也是尾灯,本来是放在前面的场景里的」【调整了尾灯拍的段落,你看,调整顺序和用途很常见把】

– Batman fighting the demon on the higher level is Snyder with the WW fight still the same. 「蝙蝠侠在高层的打戏,女侠的打戏都是扎导」

– Steppenwolf throws WW to the wall and then charges his axe at her which she dodges, this attack causes a chain reaction in which the building starts to crumble on the outside and there’s now falling debris which leds towards a cut of the Star Labs people outside with the Flash. He see the debris falling so he uses his speed to punch the debris out of the way from the people but somehow misses the last big piece in which Cyborg shoots it out of the way. This was cut and in the original trailer:

https://youtu.be/3cxixDgHUYw?t=47 「Steppenwolf把女侠摔向墙,然后抡起斧头向她砍去,她躲掉了而斧头砍到了墙,接下来是一个连锁反应,房子开始坍塌。引向另一个镜头是Flash在碎片砸到人之前推走它们,只漏了一个大块,Cyborg搞定了。这段在预告片里,但被从正片剪掉了」【大概视觉效果很好看大家都舍不得看到被剪掉了。。。】

This sequence had mostly finished VFX but I doubt you will see this in extended 「(上面这段)基本上是完成了,但我怀疑不会收在加长版里」

– Batman saying ‘my turn’ is Snyder and is cut replaced with ‘I didn’t bring a sword’ and ‘he’s tall’ is Whedon. 「扎导版本里蝙蝠侠说“轮到我了”,后来换成了“I didn’t bring a sword”和“He’s tall”」【我觉得这段台词,原文看有趣得多(女侠的剑掉了),光一句my turn没问题但有点平淡。He’s tall是针对之前Flash说他特别怕很高的人。翻译好像很难翻出那种效果_(:3TZ)_】

– Cyborg asking Flash to go check on the others is cut. VFX was finished as well 「Cyborg叫Flash去看看其他人被剪,VFX是完成了的」【那个贴翻译错,不过没啥关系】

– Flash helping WW with her sword is Snyder. Face plant joke after is Whedon 「Flash推剑是扎导,后面的扑胸是尾灯」【这个一秒钟是hater骂得最厉害的地方了。我觉得这个笑话的确有点不值得。但显示了Flash有点awkward。而女侠第一次见到男人就能讨论生殖问题,她肯定不在乎。二刷感想:前面说过了,这一段的重点是Flash能够很快逃出尴尬的场景,扑胸根本一秒钟也没到,我一刷的时候完全没注意到。】

– Whedon reshoot of Flash replying with ‘does he mean me?’ when Steppenwolf mentions the Old Gods blood is cut 「Steppenwolf说什么旧神的血之后,尾灯拍的Flash说“你在说我吗”被剪了」【不行啊怎么能剪呢!剪辑师太不尊重导演了!导演真是世界上最委屈的人555555】

– WW doing her arm thing, Flash being taken by the demons, Cyborg taking over the vehicle and shooting at Steppenwolf and the flood is Snyder 「女侠挡子弹(?)、Flash被小怪抓、Cyborg上车、打大怪、大水都是扎导的」

– Reshot element from Wan of Aquaman emerging from the water to kick Steppenwolf before turning back to try to help slow down the flooding. 「温导的补拍:海王从水里出来,踢了Steppenwolf,然后回头抗洪(。」

– ‘did he just bail?’ is ADR in, not part of Snyder original cut. 「“他逃走了吗?”是后期加入的台词,不是扎导的」【✌️二刷感想:Cyborg说了一句:change engine然后飞速跑走了,剩下的人都没有反应很不正常吧。其实他是忽然明白了mother box是什么而去拿了。”Did he just bail”让我们也注意了一下他干嘛去了。】

– Meeting up with Gordon and Cyborg coming back with the box is Snyder. Some scenes trimmed down 「和戈登汇合以及Cyborg拿着盒子回来了是扎导的,有点剪短了」

– Steppenwolf speech about finding the last box is mostly the same in Snyder. 「Steppenwolf说要拿最后一个盒子那段话基本是扎导的」

– The gang going to the Batcave is Whedon, there was an extended scene with Flash and Alfred and Flash hugs Alfred some reason. 「小队来到蝙蝠洞是尾灯的。还有一段大家拥抱Alfred被剪了」

– The gang talking about the nature of the boxes and bringing back Superman is Whedon. Gal was not available during this time as she was doing press tour for Wonder Woman so her double was her stand in and even did some acting and that bit with her hitting Batman. In the wide shots if you look carefully you can still see that it’s not Gal.

The footage of Gal was shot on a later date with green screen and composited in



– Batman talking to Alfred about Superman was Whedon 「蝙蝠侠和Alfred讨论超人的地方是尾灯」

– Batman overlooking the ship is Snyder. Batman talking to Wonder Woman about the plan overlooking the kryptonian ship is Whedon 「蝙蝠侠俯视(氪星飞船?)船是扎导,蝙蝠侠和神奇女侠在氪星飞船那里讨论复活超人的计划的那段是尾灯」

– the Lois shot from earlier in the opening montage movie was a part of this sequence as Alfred attempts to call her as well. Snyder 「扎导拍的Lois枕边没人那段被用在了前面,本来是用在这里Alfred找Lois的时候」【我觉得这段调整的意图应该是,蝙蝠侠跟Alfred说的“搬大救兵”这个具体是什么,埋一点点悬疑。我看的时候就在想,他们还有什么杀手锏么?最后Lois出来的时候就想,哦,当然是Lois!调整后增加了一点趣味。】

– break into the kryptonian ship was a longer, Cyborgs dad fakes a code red to get everyone out of the lab so the gang can get in without any major issues. There was some more additional dialogue with Flash and Aquaman. Snyder with a small chance that this may be in the extended 「他们进入氪星飞船这段本来更长。Cyborg他爹拉响了警报让工作人员离开。还有一段Flash和海王的对话。这些扎导原来拍的被剪到电影里那样。这些有一丝可能性收入加长版。」

– preparing Superman body for the ship is Snyder. 「处理超人的尸体是扎导」

– deleted scene – Cyborg having a premonition during his countdown. During the count of ‘one’ he starts to see things of possibly future events such as the end of the League, knightmare world and more importantly Darkseid. 「在倒数的那段里,本来还有Cyborg对未来的不详预兆,有正义联盟的结束、knighmare world和Darkseid。这些都被剪掉了」【again,剪掉了并不代表不对。扎导难道自己从来不会嫌拍的东西太distracting而剪掉一些东西吗?看起来尾灯的决定就是让超人复活这件事变得更重要(所以他加入了女侠的反对)。这样做也不是让BvS里超人之死更加有分量吗?在把人物变得更重要之前,不加入更大的反派or更糟的状况。我觉得这个选择本身是很对的。懂得收手而不是追求更大更酷,这才是高手啊。】

– Superman resurrection and battle with the league members is mostly Snyder with bits trimmed down. 「超人复活后和JL成员打架,主要是扎导拍的,被稍微剪短了一些」【do you really want to see more dark Supes?】

– Flash mentioning ‘pet semenetary’ is Whedon 「Flash提到Pet Sematary《宠物坟场》是尾灯拍的」【宅梗?】

– Flash actively tries to kick Superman during their fight which was cut 「Flash试图踢超人,被剪」

– Anytime Superman is talking during this is Whedon, even ‘do you bleed?’ 「超人(大战JL时?)的台词都是尾灯,包括“Do you bleed?”」【请不要再说尾灯不尊重扎导了,这个是BvS里蝙蝠侠对超人说的,提醒我们他俩之前打过,同时又给这场打戏更多理由。我觉得这样做是非常细心周到有涵养的了。】

– Batman making a quip about if he’s bleeding is Whedon 「蝙蝠侠说“我tm肯定有部位流血了”是尾灯」

– Steppenwolf stealing the last box is the same in all versions 「Steppenwolf拿到最后一个盒子,这段在所有版本里都一样」【二刷感想:和超人打到一半盒子被大反派拿去了,真的有点傻,尾灯你看到这段见死不救太坏了啊!】

– Superman coming home to his farm with Lois is Snyder. 「超人和Lois回到农场是扎导」

– Gang discussing their plan of attack now is Whedon 「大家讨论怎么打反派是尾灯」

– Batman and Wonder Woman talking about leadership and her fixing his arm is all Whedon 「蝙蝠侠和女侠讨论leadership(带领人去死)以及她帮他扭脱臼的胳膊是尾灯」【二刷感想:我本来对蝙蝠侠没有任何感情的(超人比较帅),这里讨论了leadership,加上后面他启发Flash救人,忽然这个角色有质感起来了。】

– Superman talking about the ring is Snyder and cut. Superman talking to Lois in the field is Whedon. Not sure if Martha showing up to meet her son is Whedon or Snyder 「超人看到Lois戴着戒指后说I take that as a yes这句被删,他俩在田里交谈是尾灯,Martha回来不知道是谁的」

– Steppenwolf preparing the unification is the same in all versions 「Steppenwolf准备三母盒连体这段在所有版本里没变」

– Cyborg finding the location is Whedon which leads to the gang getting on the ship is Snyder 「Cyborg找到敌人地点这里是尾灯,然后大家一起上车是扎导」

– deleted scene of Superman coming back to the kryptonian ship and getting his suit back. VFX was finished so maybe extended version 「超人回氪星飞船拿他的战服这段被删。这段的特效是完成了的所以可能会出现在加长版中。」

– Aquaman with the lasso of Truth is all Whedon, Gal again wasn’t here so body double in the wide shot with Gal elements being shot later 「海王被绳索吐真言这段是尾灯拍的。Gal当时还是不在,是替身拍,然后拍Gal再加进去的。」

– Batman taking down the shield and the league helping each other out to reach Steppenwolf is Snyder. Close up of Wonder Woman smiling is a Whedon as well Batman making quips during this scene 「蝙蝠侠冲破shield,然后大家互助直捣Steppenwolf是Snyder;女神笑容特写是尾灯,蝙蝠侠说自嘲的话是尾灯」

– Deleted scenes – showing various people around the worlds reacting to the unification process as red skies and lightening start to happen (Martha/Lois, Cyborg Dad, Gordon, Aquaman village at the beginning, london and so forth) 「世界各地对红色天空的反映被剪(有Martha/Lois、Cyborg他爸、戈登、开头海王呆的村子、伦敦等等」【不懂这个为什么删。Joss?】

– Trailer scene with Wonder Woman saying ‘shall we?’ with Aquaman and Cyborg was adjusted. ‘Shall we’ was cut and replaced with the new Whedon line 「预告片里有女神对海王和Cyborg说“shall we?”被换成了尾灯的台词。」

– Cyborg and Flash stuff here is mostly now all Whedon 「Cyborg和Flash这里的台词都是尾灯加的」

– Batman telling Flash to get people to safety is Whedon 「蝙蝠侠叫Flash去救人是尾灯」【哪边是东?】

– lots of Wonder Woman and Aquaman fighting are adjusted or reordered but still Snyder 「这里扎导拍的神奇女侠和海王的打斗戏很多被重新排序了」

– Superman coming back is all Whedon. There was a wide shot of Superman during the ‘I like truth’ which was removed but the final edit of how it plays out is better in my opinion 「超人的最终归来都是尾灯拍的。超人说i like truth有一段wide shot被剪了。我个人觉得那段不剪更好。」【应该说的是剪了尾灯拍的】

– Superman with the slow mo punch dodge is Snyder. As before anything with Superman talking is Whedon during this finale 「超人慢动作躲闪是扎导拍的。和前面一样结尾里所有他的台词都是尾灯的。」

– Original previs was Wonder Woman cutting off Steppenwolf head but later changed. Steppenwolf demise was reworked a few times 「本来的结局是神奇女侠砍掉Steppenwolf的头。Steppenwolf怎么死这个rework了好几次。」【我觉得死于自己的device是更经典的做法。】

– Steppenwolf fear demise through the boomtube is Whedon 「Steppenwolf最后通过boom tube也是尾灯」

– there was concept art showing the trinity looking through the end of the boomtube revealing Darkseid. Unsure if this element was ever filmed as the movie itself never had it in any version I saw. 「有概念设计图显示三巨头透过boom tube看到Darkseid。不确定这个有没有被任何人拍出来」

– The slow mo shot of all of them with Flash fist bumping Cyborg is Snyder 「有个大家的慢镜头,包括Flash和Cyborg碰拳是扎导的」

– close up with the trinity is three different elements composited together as the actors were not available at the same time. 「三巨头的特写镜头是后期拼起来的,因为演员档期凑不到一起」

– the end montage is Snyder (yes, even that weird run Flash does) with Whedon element being Wonder Woman stopping the robbery in London 「最后那段蒙太奇是扎导的(是的,即使是Flash奇怪的跑步也是)。神奇女侠在伦敦绑劫匪是尾灯拍的。」【尾灯太喜欢真言绳索了】


Flash doing the race with Superman = Whedon Lex discussing forming their own league = Snyder 「Flash和超人赛跑:尾灯;Lex那段:扎导。」

My main thought which was a better version:

– I believe that Snyder original version was more leading towards a UC style edit like BvS as I felt there was a lot of moments for the movie to breath but with some wtf ness in characters moments (flash basically standing around and doing nothing when he could do stuff) where as I feel Whedon had a lot more character beats and dialogue between them to punch it up.

– I’m not too sure if there will be an extended version but if there was I can easily see an additional 10-20 minutes.


– 扎导原本的版本是更像BvS那样UC style的剪辑,节奏本来更慢(这句话不确定意思对不对)。但是有不少让角色WTF的地方(比如说Flash明明可以动手却在旁观)。尾灯加了很多对话,为角色润色了不少。

– 我不知道会不会有加长版,但是我觉得可以轻易加个10到20分钟。

」【UC style不知是啥。这句话我也没读懂:”as I felt there was a lot of moments for the movie to breath”(lots of moments for the movie to breathe? 我猜意思是节奏本来更慢?)。从这个结论来看,这篇原文的本意是很中立的甚至有点偏向尾灯的。豆瓣贴的翻译有明显偏向,各种转播强调自己的观点,看转播的人可能只看了转播推荐语,都没时间看翻译,曲解也一步一步加深。】【根据回复更新:UC style是指BvS的Ultimate Cut,“更柔和的转场和更容易理解、更连贯的逻辑”,还有角色WTF的地方。】

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