今天是周六,所以有时间随手记。第一个想说的节目是这周的Sinica里,采访了香港大学的一位教授,让他讲讲在校园的角度来看待反送中的那么多事情的。我本来一直以为暴力升级是夸张的新闻,或者完全是警方的挑衅造成的。很高兴Sinica的嘉宾纠正了我的理解,因为别人说我都不会相信的。即使如此,我一开始听的时候还是有点cynical,不是很相信。我觉得,即使是真的,也是因为正义的需求一直没得到回应,很可以理解。而且你看看mouthpiece都是怎么说话的,就让人觉得对待北京不能松懈一点点。Kaiser问,那么北京有没有做对什么,嘉宾Reyes教授说,他们没有采取什么措施是做对了。听到这里我简直要掀桌了。Kaiser反问,是不是they can’t do anything right? 我很想回答是的。真的让我转变态度的是Reyes后来说,有一次就在他的学校里,有长辈老师出来对学生说,you are better than this。是的。如果我是香港学生的话,我也会这样想的。但是我现在是第三方,所以我觉得谴责学生方面的暴力,是在高标准要求受害者。
Guiding him through his disability fears requires summoning up enough courage for all of us. My own fears need to stay hidden. Any sign of nervousness on my part will trigger their protective instincts.
The dominant culture promotes ableism, the idea that people with disabilities are inferior to the nondisabled. Assumptions like: disability is a tragedy; disabled people are unteachable; it’s better to be dead than disabled.
书里写她为了navigate这个世界而接受的训练:盲人训练、手杖训练、导盲犬训练等等,那种认真的态度很让人受激励。对她来说,感知世界需要训练的是另一种技能,the term is ‘tactile intelligence’。她说一个盲人老师来教他们跳舞,然后她和一个学生一起跳舞,她说她听不见音乐,但是她可以从舞伴的身体感知到节奏。还有一个地方是她和几个盲人朋友玩起捉迷藏,那时她还有一些视力,不像她的几个朋友都是完全的盲人。她发现躲起来的朋友是站在了沙发扶手上。她得出结论说盲人的捉迷藏更好玩,明眼人有机会的话也要蒙上眼试试。被她这么一说我也很想试试她的那些盲人训练啊。
我最喜欢的角色可能是Kuiil。一开始没觉得他怎样,一个其貌不扬说话过于有风格的Ugnaught。第七集才发现,他对自己的人生真的很有思路。他说他本来是帝国的奴隶,但是他对自己的手艺很骄傲(ugnaught很多都是技术工),也对自己用工作换来自由很骄傲。而且他对IG11也很骄傲,因为他是他的作品。他对Mando说,你不要老是觉得IG11会杀人,机器人是怎样的要看他们的主人是怎么设计和对待他的。看到这里真的很感动,为Kuiil的谦卑和骄傲感动,也为他的open mind感动。open mind经常只是有原则而已。可惜这个角色挂了,本来期待他live on in IG11的,然而IG11也挂了。哎,这么好的角色,要是成了Mando的搭档就好了。不过我也蛮喜欢这样不走搭档套路的做法的。
街心花园没什么好看的。然后我还是没什么事情做,就去了大英图书馆。去之前也不知道一个图书馆有什么好去的,还担心我这样的游客不该去人家读书的地方。结果,他们的藏品太厉害了!有巴赫的手稿(还有亨德尔、肖邦、莫扎特的等等等等you name it);有各种大家知道的文学家的手稿;有休谟的信;有莎士比亚的1st folio;有古腾堡圣经;有如今世界仅存的4份大宪章原件之一。我很高兴我坚持去了一下这个地方。
更重大的和名人的互动是,我把我对Years and Years的一点点想法给Russell T Davies留言了,然后得到了他的回复 (Thank you very much) 和点赞。我太喜欢RTD了,我也太喜欢这部剧了。喜欢到没写出博客来。那么这是我的留言:
I can’t imagine a resolution to all this mess we humans made. And this isn’t Doctor Who where we can expect the doctor to save the day. How do humans save ourselves? (Am I asking about the show or about our real world?) What a show! It’s original, daring and full of heart. We have all read a lot about how polarizing the world is since Trump election. Thy all say we need to understand the other camp. But it is when I almost want to cheer for Vivienne Rook that I truly FEEL I can understand the other camp. You are absolutely brilliant!
(in reply to another user) Yes, Vivienne Rook is all charisma. I wanted to cheer for her. I suspect all of us have a small part that whispers “frankly I don’t care about Israel and Palestine, all I care is that my bins are collected.” And such politicians give these opinions voice while what we need is to consolidate such ideas with principles. As we see from the Lyons family, we are all affected by things happening in other parts of the world. You miss the time when politics were boring? Our generation can no longer adhere to a principle and live our lives convinced that we have been right. It’s a challenge for everyone to keep and open mind and seek higher levels of principles… Maybe it’s an opportunity for humans to advance. I’m afraid I’m not getting to a clear point here, but this show evokes so many different levels in my mind and heart. I have always been a fan of Russell’s writings but he just raised the bar up through the roof again.
毫无疑问,Years and Years是我今年最喜欢的fiction作品,是我2010s最喜欢的作品,也可能会是我的all time favorite。看到新的作品真的那么original,真的让我好激动,简直觉得人类配得上能够存在了。我一定要好好写一篇感想日志出来。
我买了Boox Nova 7.8英寸的eink阅读器。我的体验很不好。安卓系统下的Kindle app没有在eink上优化过,翻页体验很差(动画无法关闭,但是eink屏幕不适合放动画);豆瓣阅读app的体验也很差(它也是为液晶屏设计的,颜色对比度比较柔和,在eink上看就变得看不清);自带的阅读器性能和显示效果不错,但是,和硬件一样,透着一种没有经过美观设计的感觉。比如它有十几页的字体可以选,但是绝大多数都是各种语言。实际英语和中文的字体大概就分别3个吧?都很难看。硬件也透着一种山寨的感觉。我用它读完的书有《江城》,只有这么好的书才能让我尽量忽略难看的英文字体。还有系统更新我从来没有成功过。所以下半年我买了Kindle Oasis,和。。。Sony digital paper,可能是因为被烂产品折磨得精神不正常了。Kindle Oasis真的很好用,不对称的设计正好给一只手手持,是我看书的多数时候的姿势。缺点是如果要看PDF的话可行性很低。所以,我一狠心买了Sony DP。这个产品,用起来真的很爽。看PDF可以在上面写写画画,似乎增加了我和书的互动。虽然Kindle也可以标注,但是手写好像还是更符合我的脑路。Sony DP只能看PDF和记笔记。对了它的手写笔效果非常好。据说笔头消耗很快,我这么懒的人写不了几个字,关系就不大了。反正我到现在一支笔头也没用掉(但可以看见它的形状有变化)。这个产品的缺陷是,和别的设备连接很不好。要用数据线和电脑连接,我刚买回来的时候我的mac连不上,害我在网上搜了很久,发现很多人都有这个问题。但是当时可以和我的Windows笔记本连上。要是我没有windows笔记本岂不是就不能用这个产品了吗??和wifi的连接必须要在和电脑连接上后再进行,这一点也非常反直觉。我用了几周后有一次连了windows电脑的时候推送了一个更新,之后就可以和mac电脑连接了。(但是如果我没有windows电脑也不会得到这个更新。)wi-fi设置好后,一开始我android手机也不能连,几天后不知是不是由于上述那个更新,现在可以用android手机通过wifi连。iPhone第一次也没连上,后来Android能连后我就没试了。蓝牙和NFC我都没连上过。我简直不敢想象索尼开发了这么高端的一个产品竟然软件这么差。
大概因为买了好设备,或者因为我们的读书会中断后我就不用整天追着完成读书会要求的书了,下半年我看书看得比较有效率。虽然还是不多,但每本我都很有印象,有很多opinion。我最喜欢的书是Permanent Record, Economix, 和 River Town。今年想重读冰火的(发现了很喜欢的分篇章讨论的podcast叫Davos Fingers),读到第二本的中间放下后就没有再拿起来。重读了我最喜欢的小说《成年仪式》,long overdue。今年还试图精读罗素的Authority and Individual。一共6个lecture,我好像笔记没有记完,就发了一篇出来。这个时期的罗素,难怪维特根斯坦说他“不再有任何问题了”,我觉得可以从最贬义的角度理解维特根斯坦的话。枪炮细菌钢铁是经典书,但是我看了有点失望,感觉书很长,但是结构不好。宗教改革的Very Short Introduction比较难啃(作者的语言风格不习惯)但是书很短,在读这本书的时候我也是状态比较好,所以写了一篇充满偏见的读后感。我确信,如果我能写出偏见来,说明我起码读懂了足够形成偏见的程度,比nodding along好多了。我喜欢偏见!
Kylo’s redemption is a joke. 但是让他赎罪后就去死我满意了。我甚至不是很介意这里的Reylo了。主要是,虽然我很讨厌Kylo,但是Adam Driver太棒了,真的看着他我还是喜欢的(口嫌体直)。但是事后想想总觉得越想越讨厌。。Ben,相当于被Leia拉回来了。(就这样还能one with the Force?)
again,想好好写的结果就是写不好&写不完。读完拖延写不好小结的时间已经比读书本身花的时间久了。所以现在我放弃了,下面是非常混乱的记录。这么做真的有点对不起这本书,可能是今年我最喜欢的书了。(今年,以及我预计可能是未来十年里,我最喜欢的剧是Years and Years,你看我就是没为它写出日志来。)
我特别喜欢斯诺登第一次going thru intelligence service vetting,他在网上的有点傻的言论如果放到这个时候来看,可能会对他不利。然而他并没有删除他的网络踪迹。我特别喜欢这一点。我这个博客写了十几年了,现在看以前的文章简直无地自容。但我基本上没有删除过什么文章。(我换掉前一个模版也是因为前一个模版有相关推荐而且不能关掉,经常推荐到老的文章让我脸红)斯诺登说他不想pretend to live a perfect life,我也是差不多这么想的,虽然我脸皮薄,但我觉得诚实重要得多。
我最大的感想是豆瓣短评里写的,web 1.0带来的民主理想的希望,并不是幻觉。他说it’s this clash between authoritarism and liberal democratic而不是对付恐怖主义,是目前世界应该做的。我几乎无法表达这个观点我是多同意,这完全说出了我一直的观点。
done is better than perfect. 为了完成记录读这本书这件事,我就把昨天刚看完后发在Goodreads的评论贴一下,然后自我欣赏一下看看有没有想补充的。。。
This book does the job of explaining the history of economics and economic ideas very effectively in comics form. People may be alarmed at how opinionated the book is, and they are right at being alarmed when opinions are served along with facts. I suppose it’s not possible to explain economics without appearing opinionated, and I wish most books exposed their opinion more clearly! At the very least, an opinionated book invites you to agree or disagree with it, instead of nodding along.
I summarize the book’s ideas as the following – the market’s ability to optimize resources to benefit the whole society only works when its cost to the whole society is included in the working, not just cost in capital, which, among other things, includes cost to the environment, cost to social welfare, and the distribution of the cost. A traditional economics textbook labels those costs as externalities and depends on the government to excert them. In reality, the government is hijacked by big coorporations, who endorse ‘small government’ while wielding government power for their own benefit. There doesn’t seem to be a mechanism in the U. S. system to ensure other costs to be visible, if you don’t count the populace being educated and pressuring the government and the coorporations, which is what the book is aiming to do.
Now that a few years has passed since this book’s publication. I may add that the failing of the U.S. – flagship of the capitalist world, has give rise to authoritarianism of the socialist world, namely China’s Communist Party. You see? Promoting government regulations on big coorporations does not mean being in the ‘socialist’ camp. In fact, making capitalism work is the best deterrence against Communist China. There’s a lot of talk about China’s ‘State Capitalism’. The problem is, U.S. government, going hand-in-hand with big coorporations, is ‘State Capitalism’ all but in name, however the US cannot do it as effectively as China does because they cannot go full fledged in this path. I assure you planned economy does not work. If Captialism means optimizing resources by competition, then the term ‘State Capitalism’ is self-contradictory. The US and the world need to make market economy work by promoting real competetion instead of backing big coorporations.
I am very opinionated as well. I may be wrong, one day I may be ashamed of what I said today, but honest opinion is the first step to anything.
While I can see how the dysfunctional nature of the stock market can give rise to that view – I’m sure the author realises the benefits of the stock market to society at large (pensions are one obvious example), but he doesn’t give them much attention for such an important area of the world-economy and its current problems, it’s quite likely that some will come away from the book asking why we have one at all. This is significant because in order to properly reform the market it needs to be understood why it works, not just how its been abused. Overall though worth a read even for those already familiar with the territory.